

Why is the Anti-vaccine Movement Gaining Momentum?

The problem with humans is that we tend to forget the really important bits of our history. Over the past few decades, scientists and doctors who have helped steer the effort to end certain infectious disease outbreaks have had cause to celebrate the pivotal role that...

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Do Essential Oils Cure Diseases?

There is a lot of hype surrounding essential oils these days, with claims that they can treat everything from insomnia to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Well-known natural medicine physician and author of the book “Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine" says that many...

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Holistic Remedies & Diet

The healthcare industry continues to learn more about chronic conditions, honing in and more accurately diagnosing these issues. Why then do they continue to rise? Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases are on the rise worldwide. The United States however, has seen...

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